Get your Benaras University Results 2023 or BHU degree results 2023 at Students who have appeared the Benaras University Exams 2023 can check Benaras University Regular Results, Supply Results and RevaBenaras Universityation Results Online. Students can check all BHU UG Results & PG Exam Results @ and Benaras University Official site.
The Benaras University (BHU) releases the Benaras University results semester wise 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th & 8th for all UG & PG courses. All these semester results are available at Candidates who are studying UG, PG, Pharmacy, Engineering and other professional courses can easily check their Benaras University UG Results, Benaras University PG Results or BHU results through this page. This page will be updated with all the annually & semester examination results of Benaras University from time to time. keep visiting this page for all the Benaras University result updates.
Banaras Hindu University, formerly Central Hindu College, is a public central university located in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. It was established in 1916 by Madan Mohan Malaviya and Annie Besant. With over 30,000 students residing in campus, it claims the title of largest residential university in Asia.The campus has over 60 hostels offering residential accommodation for over 12,000 students. On-campus housing is also available to a majority of the full-time faculty.
The main entrance gate and boundary wall was built on the donation made by Maharaja of Balrampur, Maharaja Pateshvari Prashad Singh.The Banaras Hindu University has extended its outreach by establishing its South Campus at Barkachha in Mirzapur district. The RGSC is being developed as a potential hub for education, training and entrepreneurship for youth and women, especially those belonging to tribes and weaker sections of the society.Banaras Hindu University conducts national level undergraduate (UET) and postgraduate (PET) entrance tests usually during May–June for admission for which registrations begin usually in February–March. Admissions are done according to merit in the entrance tests, subject to fulfilling of other eligibility requirements. Admissions to BTech/B.Pharm., MTech/M.Pharm. are done through JEE and GATE respectively. Admission to MBA and MBA-IB are done through IIM-CAT score and also through separate BHU-MBA entrance tests. Admissions for PhD are done on the basis of either qualification of National Eligibility Test (NET) by the candidates or through the scores of CRET (Common Research Entrance Test). Admissions in IMS are done through PMT exam.
In India, the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) ranked it ninth overall in 2018 and third among universities. It also ranked it 39 in the management ranking. Its engineering institute, IIT, was ranked 19 by the NIRF Engineering ranking for 2018. In 2017, it was ranked 9th among engineering colleges in India by The Week. The Faculty of Law, Banaras Hindu University was ranked eighth in India by Outlook India'''''''' "Top 25 Law Colleges in 2017 and seventh in India Top Law Colleges 2017. The Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University was ranked tenth among medical colleges in India in 2017 by India Today, sixth by The Week and ninth by Outlook India.
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