The The Karnataka Examinations Authority (KEA) will start the registration process for the Karnataka Common Entrance Test (KCET 2022) today, April 12. The KCET application forms 2022 will be released on the official website - Candidates who wish to get admission into engineering colleges in Karnataka should fill and submit the KCET 2022 applications online before the deadline. As per the KCET 2022 exam date, the eligibility test will be held between June 16 and June 18.
KCET 2022 will be held in two shifts, the first in the morning and the next in the afternoon. KCET 2022 will start with the Biology and Mathematics paper on June 16. On June 17, Physics and Chemistry papers will be conducted. While the Kannada Language Test will be held on June 18 for Horanadu and Gadinadu (other state and border region) Kannadiga candidates at selected centres.
KCET last year was held between August 28 and August 30. A total of 2,01,816 candidates had registered for Karnataka CET the previous year. The exam is being conducted at 86 centres in Bengaluru and 444 centers outside the state capital. As many as 1,83,231 candidates out of the 1,93,447 who appeared for the examination become eligible. H K Meghan, a student from Mysuru, created a record by bagging the top rank in all the five streams including engineering in KCET last year.