West Bengal Madhyamik Result 2020 will be available on the official website of West Bengal Board of Secondary Education, or WBBSE, anytime soon. Students can access the Madhyamik, or Class 10, results by using the roll numbers mentioned in the WBBSE Class 10 admit cards. West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has announced the West Bengal Examination result 2020 date. More than ten lakh students await the WBBSE Madhyamik results this year. Apart from the official website of the board, Madhyamik result 2020 will also be available at some private result portals including indiaresults.com and exam.results.net.
Most of the papers of WB Madhyamik exams were concluded as per schedule before the start of COVID-19 lockdown. However, for papers that could not be held, the assessment will be based on the pattern followed by Council For The Indian School Certificate Examinations, or CISCE.
STEP 1: Visit the official website -- wbresults.nic.in or wbbse.org
STEP 2: Click on the designated link for WB Madhyamik Result 2020
STEP 3: Insert the roll number as mentioned in the WBBSE Class 10 admit card
STEP 4: Provide other required information in the spaces allotted
STEP 5: Submit and view the Class 10 WB Madhyamik results
STEP 1: Visit indiaresults.com or examresults.net
STEP 2: Select the state -- West Bengal
STEP 3: Select class
STEP 4: Register the roll number, email address and phone number
STEP 5: Submit and access the WBBSE Madhyamik results 2020
However, students accessing their WBBSE board result 2020 from the private portals are advised to cross-check from the official source for authentication.