"Our collage infrastructure is very nice"
Vivekanandha College of Engg for Women
Namakkal, Tamil Nadu
Name: S.S.Abarna | Batch of 2021 | Rating 5
Course: B.E / B.Tech (Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Recommends this college
Our collage infrastructure is very nice. There is a hostel facility for the students and the hostel food is very nice and also a rooms are very clean .our collage infrastructure is very nice. The faculty are clear our doubts at any time they be a friend with us.
Infrastructure 5
Campus 5
Faculty 5
Industry Exposure 5
Placements 5
Affordability 5
Campus Facilities: Our collage infrastructure is very nice. And there is a hostel facility for the students. And they provided many extra activities for the students.
Campus Life: In our collage many many companies are coming and visiting. And many students are placed in those companies .And the giving coaching for the campus selection.
Faculty: Our there teaching is very good. And they clearing our doubts at any time. And they help for the studying for campus selection and for another examination.
Placements: Now we are going intenship in online so the collage staff are helping for searching companies for joing intenship. In placement many students are placed in the companies.
Salary Package: 2.5 - 4 Lakhs
Safety Measures: Anti-Ragging Cell, Women Safety Cell, Other
Posted On: 18-May-2020