"It is one of the best polytechnic college in India"
New Government Polytechnic, Patna
Patna, Bihar
Name: Aryan Raj | Batch of 2026 | Rating 4
Course: Diploma (Electronics and Communications Engineering)
Recommends this college
It is one of the college which provides quality education at very nominal cost. All the teachers are highly qualified and are very experienced. The location of the college is good and each and every facilities are provided here at very low cost. Functions and meeting are organized at every six months.
Infrastructure 4
Campus 5
Faculty 4.5
Industry Exposure 3.5
Placements 4
Affordability 4.5
Campus Facilities: Campus is quite large and it provides a choice to do various activities such as playing, organizing meetings and various other functional activities. In library, there are a great variety of books of Indian as well as foreign writers.
Campus Life: Alumni meet was the one of the best event which was organized by the students and teachers. In that event we had learnt a lot of things which will be beneficial for us in future.
Faculty: Faculties are well educated and are very professional. Also they are very disciplined and they also guide us to follow discipline. They use various books as reference to teach us.
Placements: At regular intervals internships and placement programs are being organized by our training and placement cell. They make us aware about upcoming companies.
Salary Package: 2.5 - 4 Lakhs
Safety Measures: Anti-Ragging Cell
Posted On: 06-Jan-2023