"Our college is good for students who are really interested."
Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering & Technology
Hyderabad, Telangana
Name: Sowmya | Batch of 2025 | Rating 3.5
Course: B.E / B.Tech (Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Recommends this college
When it comes to infrastructure our college is one of the best colleges in Hyderabad. when it comes to placements you will be placed easily with good amount of money or package. You will surely love the college.
Infrastructure 3.5
Campus 4
Faculty 3
Industry Exposure 3
Placements 4
Affordability 3.5
Campus Facilities: Campus is good and you can find everything interesting. Teachers are very helpful and helps you in different aspects and only girls hostel is provided. Well equipped labs and bank is also available.
Campus Life: There are very few events conducted in our college, the best event was pragna which is the most famous event among our college. The biggest event is pulse.
Faculty: Faculty over here are very experienced and will help you in different ways. They also encourage us in various activities and help us in building our own career
Placements: Job opportunities are wide because many companies come to our college.companies like Wipro,TCSand many other visit our campus and provided highest package was 41 lakh last year.
Salary Package: 4 - 6 Lakhs
Start Up Incubator: Startups are also there in our college and teachers help us in starting up our own startup.
Safety Measures: Anti-Ragging Cell
Posted On: 07-Jan-2023