"The Great Experience of CKPCET"
C. K. Pithawala College of Engineering and Technology
Surat, Gujarat
Name: Dave Darshan | Batch of 2024 | Rating 3.5
Course: B.E / B.Tech (Computer Science and Engineering)
Recommends this college
Campus life is vibrant and offers a sense of community through clubs, events and tech-fests organized by college. The faculties are supportive with higher qualification. Even they help us for internship opportunities. The sports facilities offer a good balance between study and relaxation.
Infrastructure 2.5
Campus 3.3
Faculty 4
Industry Exposure 3.5
Placements 3
Affordability 2.5
Campus Facilities: Campus facilities are moderate not good not bad as well. There are 7 department for different particular courses. There is big reading room for students. The Lab facilities and WIFI facilities provided by campus. There is vibrant Sports clubs for students with wide range of sports.
Campus Life: The Campus life is awesome because of events, clubs, festivals, tech-fest organized by student community. There is different committee for students that they can take participate.
Faculty: The faculty is supportive, qualified and experienced, delivering high-quality instructions. The industry driven curriculum prepares students to tackel real world problems. The faculty provides digital or soft resources with important portions that they come in exam.
Placements: CKPCET is located in surat is an average college when it's comes to placement. The computer engineering course has a decent placement rate, with around 60% of student getting job offers. While the college strive to connect students with potential employers. The faculties help us for internship traning. Average 10000 stipend provided while internship.
Salary Package: 4 - 6 Lakhs
Safety Measures: Anti-Ragging Cell, Anti-Drugs Cell, Anti-Riots Cell, Women Safety Cell
Posted On: 03-Aug-2023