"Exploring Global Commerce: B.Com (International) at Auro Uni"
Auro University of Hospitality and Management
Surat, Gujarat
Name: NELLURI VINAY | Batch of 2020 | Rating 5
Recommends this college
Auro University's B.Com (International) program helps you understand global business. The teachers are great, and they teach you what you need to know about working internationally. You also get chances to make connections and internships because of the university's location. It's a good choice if you want to work in the global business world.
Infrastructure 5
Campus 5
Faculty 5
Industry Exposure 5
Placements 5
Affordability 5
Campus Facilities: Auro University's campus is really nice. They have modern classrooms and a cool library. You can also play sports and relax there. They care about the environment and have things like solar panels. The campus is in a busy business area, so you can get internships and meet people. It's a great place to learn and get ready for your future.
Campus Life: Auro University's campus is fun! You meet new people and do cool stuff. There are clubs and things to do for everyone. The campus is in a busy city, so you can go to events, explore, and even work nearby. It's a great place to make friends and have a good time while you learn.
Faculty: The teachers at Auro University are really good. They know a lot and help us learn. They're not just teachers; they're like guides who want us to do well. They make us think and learn in a practical way. Their dedication to teaching is great, and it makes the university a good place to study.
Placements: Auro University's placements are impressive. They help students find good jobs. The university has connections with companies, which is really helpful. Being in a busy area also means there are many opportunities. It's a good choice for starting your career.
Salary Package: 4 - 6 Lakhs
Start Up Incubator: Auro University's B.Com (International) program is about global business. The teachers are really good and teach you what you need to know for jobs around the world. You can also get internships and meet people because of where the university is. It's a good choice if you want to work in global business.
Safety Measures: Anti-Ragging Cell, Anti-Drugs Cell, Anti-Riots Cell, Women Safety Cell, Other
Posted On: 14-Sep-2023