Imayam College of Engg
Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu
Name: SIVASANKAR M | Batch of 2021 | Rating 5
Course: B.E / B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering)
Recommends this college
In this college fees is allotted based on the student past marks and our community wise less. Then , the teaching and infrastructure is completely low average. Then the lab is opened and the machines can't run . Because that are old machines and old spare parts
Infrastructure 4.5
Campus 4.5
Faculty 4.5
Industry Exposure 4.5
Placements 4.5
Affordability 4.5
Campus Facilities: Food. Quality must be decent and cleanliness. Sports , cultural , clubs and other activities is good. The college campus furniture , boards , class rooms are good.
Campus Life: Usually Im college campus libraries , lecture halls , residence halls , hostel rooms , dinning halls , park lite is good and comfortable in the college life.
Faculty: An assessment scholarly research and creative activities of the faculty member should be made. Such activities can include writing proposals, leading fundal research
Placements: Start with the description of your goal and the projects or tasks you performed to achieve this goals.Intenship allow you to gain experience by watching , learning participating in the work
Salary Package: Less than 2.5 Lakhs
Posted On: 21-Sep-2023