"My Jourmey at Vels Institute of Technology"
Vels Institute of Science, Technology & Advanced Studies
Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Name: Lakshaya.M | Batch of 2024 | Rating 4.5
Course: BCA (Data Science)
Recommends this college
My experience at Vels Institute of Technology Was transformative, thanks to its supportive community, academic excellence, diverse opportunities, and beautiful campus. I choose it for its holistic approach, and I highly recommend it for others seeking a fulfilling college experience.
Infrastructure 4.5
Campus 4.8
Faculty 4.5
Industry Exposure 4.5
Placements 4.5
Affordability 4.5
Campus Facilities: Vels Institute of Technology offers a wonderful academic curriculum that challenges and inspires students to excel. The institute provides ample resources for research and academic support, ensuring that students have access to the tools they need to succeed.
Campus Life: College life at Ves Institute of Technology is vibrant and dynamic, offering a diverse range of experiences for students. The campus culture promotes inclusivity and encourages students to explore their interests and passions. Overall , college life at Vels Institute of Technology is enriching and memorable.
Faculty: The faculty at Vels Institute of Technology surpass expectations with their exceptional knowledge, unwavering support, and genuine passion for teaching. Their dedication to student success creates an inspiring learning learning atmosphere, where every student feels valued and empowered to reach their full potential. Their guidance and mentorship enrich the academic experience, shaping future leaders and scholars.
Placements: Vels Institute of Technology boasts impressive placement opportunities, with a high success rate in securing internships and job placement for graduates. The career services department offers personalized guidance and resources to help students navigate the job market successfully. Employers actively seek out graduates from Vels Institute of Technology due to their strong academic background, practical skills, and professional development , making it a top choice for those seeking promising career prospects post-graduation.
Salary Package: Less than 2.5 Lakhs
Safety Measures: Anti-Ragging Cell, Anti-Drugs Cell, Women Safety Cell
Posted On: 15-Mar-2024