"Government arts college autonomous karur"
Govt Arts College Karur, Tamilnadu
Karur, Tamil Nadu
Name: Dharshana | Batch of 2022 | Rating 4
Recommends this college
Academic wise college is good. The faculty of my department is nice and helpful.They are very knowledgeable and understanding.I have no issues with the quality of the curriculum up to date with recent developments. Remarks: Factors that drove me to take admission to this college was the facilities afforded by this college at a low cost
Infrastructure 4.5
Campus 3.8
Faculty 4.5
Industry Exposure 3.5
Placements 3.5
Affordability 4
Campus Facilities: The college fee is low-cost. but clean and greenish area. The nature is awesome feel.I know very well. the college campus is very nice and good for studying.
Campus Life: It's very nice. The students and staff were friendly and very enjoyable the days . The day remembers how to enjoy. The campus feel is excellent. The atmosphere is very nice
Faculty: Our department faculty persons are very kind people. Knowledgeable person. The faculties are very genuinely interested in other activities. A teaching assistant is excellent
Placements: good
Salary Package: Less than 2.5 Lakhs
Start Up Incubator: The students are helping
Safety Measures: Anti-Ragging Cell, Anti-Drugs Cell, Women Safety Cell
Posted On: 28-Nov-2021