"Brahmanand college best college for student "
Brahmanand College, Kanpur
Kanpur Nagar, Uttar Pradesh
Name: Swati | Batch of 2020 | Rating 4.5
Recommends this college
Foundation of the school could be all around created by contributing a little amount of cash. in general government school it is so that under studies are satisfied with the charge structure and just as the club strength. B school is one of the most established school in Kanpur and the ascertain old is gold sits completely valid for this school in view of the learning and Lesson you arrive. mates are helping and mindful educators resemble family school life is simply astonishing.
Infrastructure 5
Campus 4.3
Faculty 4.5
Industry Exposure 3.5
Placements 3.5
Affordability 4.5
Campus Facilities: Numerous PG at an expense going between 4to 6 thousand accessible the whole way across the school grounds . Sports exercise or led consistently and extra curricular exercise are likewise directed like a visit to the district court the pragmatic debateble court within the sight of resigned judges.
Campus Life: 1. Yearly fest is directed in the long stretch of November consistently. numerous law programmes were coordinated in a school 2. Any individual who is not qualified to purchase books from the market then they can take them from the school library all books and accessible there. 3. There are such countless convenience accessible in the home room like a projector with a major size for Tubelight each under study have their own seats.
Faculty: They are dependable, useful and a trained with regard to their understudies. I am pleased under study here and my educators uphold me at any necessity regardless of whether I needed to take an interest solo ly at any college occasion then they support us.
Placements: The temporary position is given to understudies when the reasonable three Semester different assistants are working under law offices like advocate in area court legal counsellor temporary job. as I will let you know my sibling entry-level position my senior sibling is from a similar school and he is a normal understand it is possible that he got temporary job under a tax assessment legal advisor in Mzn, and he got 20,000 per month as my doing just six-hour work
Salary Package: 2.5 - 4 Lakhs
Safety Measures: Anti-Ragging Cell, Anti-Drugs Cell, Anti-Riots Cell, Women Safety Cell
Posted On: 27-Dec-2021