"One of the good college in the ANANTAPUR city."
Pv Krishna Kishore (Pvkk) Degree College
Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh
Name: sakare sai srinivas | Batch of 2022 | Rating 5
Recommends this college
Education, facilities and the teaching is very good in our college, and teachers are so friendly with the students. Admission process of the college is very simple, directly visit the college and application form will be available and one mentor will be assigned to the each student.
Infrastructure 4
Campus 4.5
Faculty 5
Industry Exposure 5
Placements 5
Affordability 5
Campus Facilities: we have a great environment in our college and contains the canteen and library facility also available. lab are perfectly maintained by the college and so many facilities are also provided by college.
Campus Life: campus life in the college is excellent and freedom for the educational purpose and we can have an pleasant and peace of mind for the study purpose. We haveexcellent culture in our college.
Faculty: we have a best faculty and all of them are completed their PHD in the respectable subjects and their teaching skills are so good and easily understandable by the students.
Placements: Every year our college was getting the numbers of campus placements for the students, recently we got the companies like capgemini, infosys and some other reputed companies.
Salary Package: 2.5 - 4 Lakhs
Safety Measures: Anti-Ragging Cell, Anti-Drugs Cell, Anti-Riots Cell, Women Safety Cell, Other
Posted On: 06-Jul-2022