"About my College Education and Placements of my college"
Annai College of Engg. & Tech
Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu
Name: R Manojkumar | Batch of 2016 | Rating 2.5
Course: B.E / B.Tech (Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Recommends this college
I have studied in Annai College of Engineering and Technology in Kumbakonam. My College is one the best college in Kumbakonam surroundings. In my college Placements also very good. In my college staffs are very experienced and Very Knowledgeable staffs.
Infrastructure 4.5
Campus 4.5
Faculty 5
Industry Exposure 4.5
Placements 5
Affordability 5
Campus Facilities: My college campus is very clean and neat and very hygienic campus, hostels also very need and good and it's very good rooms in hostel and food also very superb and Hygienic food only they will provide and College labs also very nice and all the equipment they are having for students.
Campus Life: In our college every year they will conduct Cultural programs in that programs all the colleges will participate in that culturals. Our college team will invite very very best Celebrities' for the cultural program.
Faculty: In our college all the facilities is having there is no problem for about facilities. Industrial Exposures also very good in my college all the staffs are very Well experienced Staffs.
Placements: In my college Placements is not a problem because top 50 Companies will come for the placements. Interships also very nice and they will take us for Top companies only for Internships.
Salary Package: 4 - 6 Lakhs
Start Up Incubator: In my college Incubator is active for all the days.
Safety Measures: Anti-Ragging Cell, Anti-Drugs Cell, Anti-Riots Cell, Women Safety Cell
Posted On: 22-Sep-2023