
Vishwa Vishwani Institute of Systems & Management (VVISM) Scholarships Details

Vishwa Vishwani Institute of System & Management - Scholarships

PGDM Scholarship

Note: The tuition fee depends on the academic merit and scholarship - It may differ.


Particular Scholarship


Tuition Fees for 2 Years effective

Scores above 80 %ile in CAT / XAT / NMAT

2,00,000 /-

6,10,000 /-

Scores above 70 %ile in CAT / XAT / NMAT

1,70,000 /-

6,40,000 /-

Scores above 60 %ile in CAT / XAT / NMAT

1,50,000 /-

6,60,000 /-

Scores above 80 %ile in MAT /ATMA /CET

1,00,000 /-

7,10,000 /-


Academic Merit Scholarships


Scholarship Eligibility Criteria

Scholarship Amount

Tuition Fees for 2 Years effective


85% and above



75% and above



65% and above



  • In Addition to the above attractive merit Scholarship for the top academic performers of the batch: Top Ten performers of the semester will be awarded a scholarship of 25,000/- each for Semesters I & II.
  • A consistent performer will be able to avail a scholarship of up to 50,000/- over the two years. It is mandatory to maintain an attendance of 90% in both semesters to avail of the scholarship.

Special Scholarship


Scholarship Amount

Children of Armed Forces / Police Services


Sibling Scholarship


For representation at the National/ International level sports (exemption in tuition fee)* appropriate proof to be submitted


Graduates from Top 200 NIRF Institutions.



Additional Special Girl Students

Students who have scored 80% or higher in their prior academics will be eligible for this scholarship. This scholarship will be awarded at the end of the PGDM course upon maintaining 90% attendance throughout the course.


Guidelines to avail the Merit Scholarships

  • Only one Special Scholarship is applicable per student
  • In all instances, the maximum cap for scholarships is set at 2 Lakhs.
  • Merit Scholarship & Entrance Test Scholarship cannot be clubbed with special scholarship.
  • Scholarships amount will be adjusted against the second year tuition fee.
  • The Student should clear the eligibility criteria for the said course as per the norms, failing which, he/she will not be considered for the Merit Scholarship Scheme.
  • The student diligently pays the fees according to the provided breakdown and within the deadlines set by the department’s administration. If these payments are not made on time, the director of admissions may revoke the Merit Scholarship Scheme awarded to the student.
  • The decision of the Director-Admission is final in regards to Fee Fixation and considering any student for the Merit Scholarship Scheme.
  • To avail scholarship 90% attendance is mandatory

BBA Scholarship

Note: The tuition fee depends on the academic merit and scholarship - It may differ.

Academic Merit Scholarships


Scholarship Eligibility Criteria

Scholarship Amount


95% and above


85% and above


75% and above


Top Ten performers from every semester will receive a scholarship of 10,000/- each for their respective semesters. A student who consistently performs well can earn a scholarship of up to  60,000/- across the three years. Maintaining a minimum attendance of 90% in all semesters is required to qualify for the scholarship.

Special Scholarship


Scholarship Amount

Children of Armed Forces / Police Services


Sibling Scholarships


Representation at the National/ International level sports (exemption from tuition fees) * appropriate proof to be submitted


CLAT / IPMAT / UGAT qualified student with above 70% Score


Instructions to avail the Scholarship

  • Only one Special Scholarship can be awarded to each student.
  • The scholarship can be used only once throughout the entire duration of the course.
  • Special Scholarship is offered to only 50% of the available seats
  • Scholarships amount will adjusted against second year tuition fee
  • The Student should clear the eligibility criteria for the said course as per the norms, failing which,
  • he/she will not be considered for the Merit Scholarship Scheme.
  • The Student strictly pays the fees as per the break-up given above in the stipulated deadlines
  • given by the admin of the respective department, failing which, the director-admissions can
  • withdraw the Merit Scholarship Scheme granted to the student.
  • The decision of the Director-Admission is final in regards to Fee fixation and considering any
  • student for the Merit Scholarship Scheme
  • This fee is applicable to AP & TS Students only.

BS Computer Science Scholarship

Note: The tuition fee depends on the academic merit and scholarship - It may differ.

Academic Merit Scholarships


Scholarship Eligibility Criteria

Scholarship Amount

Tuition Fees Payable

Odd Semester 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th

Even Semester 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th


95% and above

50% of the Tuition Fees



85% and above

40% of the Tuition Fees



75% and above

30% of the Tuition Fees



Top Ten performers from every semester will receive a scholarship of 10,000/- each for their respective semesters. A student who consistently performs well can earn a scholarship of up to 80,000/- across the four years. Maintaining a minimum attendance of 90% in all semesters is required to qualify for the scholarship.

Special Scholarship


Scholarship Amount

Children of Armed Forces / Police Services


Sibling Scholarships


Representation at the National/ International level sports (exemption from tuition fees) * appropriate proof to be submitted


Instructions to avail the Scholarship:

  • The Merit Scholarship is applicable on the prescribed Tuition Fees only.
  • Student Development Fees includes all the facilities and activities aimed at helping students develop various skills such as:
  • Sports and Games Facilities- Industry Visits/ Field study- Guest Lectures- Personality
  • Development Workshops -Participation in Seminars and Conferences- Certification courses- Lab usage ( IT Lab)- Library usage.
  • University Fee / ARIF / Examination Fee has to be paid separately every Semester as per the notification of the University.
  • Merit Scholarship is offered to only 50% of the available seats.
  • Special Scholarship Amount (which is awarded on the total course fee) is to be adjusted in the final semester fee only.
  • Only one Special Scholarship shall be awarded to each student one time at the end of the course.
  • The student has to diligently pay the fees according to deadlines set by the college. If these payments are not made on time, the director of admissions may revoke the Scholarship Scheme awarded to the student.
  • The decision of the Director-Admission shall be final and binding in regards to Fee fixation and considering any student for the Merit or Special Scholarship Scheme.
  • To avail scholarships the student has to put in a minimum of 90% attendance compulsorily.
  • This fee is applicable to AP & TS Students only.
Admission Open
SRM University, Andhra Pradesh
Guntur, Andhra Pradesh
    MBA, B.Sc, BBA (Hons)
Admission Open
ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education (IFHE)
Hyderabad, Telangana
    BBA, BCA, L.L.B, L.L.M, B.Arch, B.Sc, BA, MA, Ph.D, EMBA, BA LLB (Hons.), BBA LLB (Hons.), Ph.D in Law, Ph.D, PG Diploma, Ph.D (Economics), B.E / B.Tech
Admission Open
Institute of Public Enterprise (IPE)
Hyderabad, Telangana
Admission Open
KL University
Guntur, Andhra Pradesh
    MBA, BBA, B.Sc, BA, MA, M.Sc., BBA LLB, B.Sc Hons, B.Tech (Lateral Entry), B.E / B.Tech, M.E / M.Tech
Admission Open
Vishwa Vishwani Institute of Systems & Management (VVISM)
Hyderabad, Telangana
    MBA, BBA, PGDM, MBA (Integrated), BBA (Hons), BS