All India Bar Examination (AIBE) which is scheduled to be conducted on 26th March 2017, has undergone a few minor changes in syllabus which are introduced by the Bar Council of inda (BCI). The aspirants who are not yet applied are required to apply at the official website AIBE is conducted by the Bar Council of India every year for testing qualifying advocates' eligibility in practicing Law across India.
The official notification has yet to be released regarding the same. But the syllabus provide on the website shows deviation from old syllabus. The subjects are taken from the syllabi prescribed by the Bar Council of India for the three-year andfive-yearr Ll.B. programmes at law schools in India.
Four new subjects added:
1) Public Interest Litigation (four marks) ,
2) Law Related to Taxation (four marks),
3) Land Acquisition Act (two marks),
4) Intellectual Property Law (two marks)
The above mentioned four new subjects are added and which were not presented earlier have been added. Also, 12 questions will be asked from these new subjects. The weightage from Family Law has been increased to eight marks.
List of subjects omitted:
Limitation Act (however, code of civil procedure and criminal procedure code have certain provisions around limitation which may still be asked)
Environmental Law ( questions around constitutional law and environment can still be asked)
Corporate Social Responsibility (one cannot rule out the possibility of questions around corporate social responsibility featuring inside the companies act quota).