Bihar has released the results for polytechnic entrance examination 2020 also known as Diploma Certificate Entrance Competitive Examination (DCECE) for entrance into various diploma courses including Polytechnic engineering (PE), part-time Polytechnic engineering (PPE), Diploma course in paramedical (PM), and Para medical-dental matric level (PMD) offered by affiliated polytechnic institutes. The candidates can check their results at the official website of DCECE
Here’s Direct Link To DCECE 2020 Result
Steps to check the Bihar polytechnic result 2020
Open the official website of DCECE
Login the admission portal using your login credentials
The result will appear in the PDF format
Candidates will be able to download their DCECE 2020 Result copy for future reference
On the basis of the marks obtained a merit list will be released by the Bihar polytechnic management. In case two candidates score the same marks a tie-breaking round will be held to select one of them.
After releasing the merit list, an online interview round will be held after which a final merit list will be declared.
DCECE will hold an online counselling round to allot different colleges to the selected candidates. Candidates will have to fill their choices for institutes and the management will assign them the same on the basis of their rank and availability. One the seat is allotted, the candidates will have to submit a seat acceptance fee.