BITSAT 2019 slot booking will start from April 5. BITS Pilani said in a statement that the BITSAT 2019 slot booking dates have changed and the candidates can now reserve the test date and time from 10.00 AM on April 5, 2019. BITS Pilani has already released the centre allotment for registered candidates for BITSAT 2019 on the official website. Candidates who have already registered for the exam can check the address for exam centres. BITSAT or BITS Admission Test is conducted for admission to Integrated First Degree programme of BITS Pilani, at Pilani campus, Goa campus, and Hyderabad campus. The BITSAT slot booking link will be available at
"BITSAT-2019 Slot booking dates have changed. Candidates can reserve the test date and time from 10.00 AM on 5th April 2019," said an official statement posted on the BITSAT website.
Candidates may click on a link given there to book their test date and test time. The link is available at
The distribution of slots will be done on a first-come-first-serve basis.
Candidates may enter the personal details -- Application Number, Gender, Date Of Birth and Email-Id -- and click on the 'Proceed' button and follow the instructions to reserve your test date and time.
Requests for change of test centers will not be entertained.
Further, once the candidate reserves a date and time, no changes are allowed.
Admissions in First Degree programmes at BITS Pilani are done by one of the following schemes:
1. Admission through BITSAT-2019 Score
2. Admission through SAT and SAT subject test score under International student admissions
3. Admission under Board topper scheme