New Delhi: Digital education solutions provider Extramarks has partnered with Samsung to offer educational content to school children through Samsung tablets.Under the agreement, Extramarks' learning solutions will be sold on Samsung tablets across its retail network in India as well as to schools. Samsung is also planning to launch new tablets in the market aimed at students."Schools are turning digital and adopting tablets. If schools wish to introduce classroom teaching through tablets, then Samsung will be our preferred partner," says Atul Kulshrestha, chairman and managing director, Extramarks. Anuj Jain, senior vice president, enterprise business, Samsung India, adds: "We aim to provide a unique value proposition for the growing education market with this product and it will continue to be an area of focus for us in future. Extramarks offers digital content from nursery to Class 12 for CBSE and ICSE boards. Around 5,000 schools are using Extramarks products by way of content or smart classes.Besides India, Extramarks is present in South Africa, South East Asia and the Middle East and is planning to shift its holding company to Singapore. "Fundraising and valuations of technology companies are better there," says Kulshrestha.