HYDERABAD: The State government has issued orders for the release of Rs.1,014 crore towards second instalment of tuition fee-reimbursement to the SC,ST, BC and economically backward students for the year 2010-11.Of this, a sum of Rs.800 crore is earmarked for fee-reimbursement and Rs.214 crore towards mess charges. The government gave an undertaking to the Supreme Court to clear the fee-reimbursement dues to the college managements and students in four instalments by July 30.The third and the fourth instalment of Rs.831crore each would be paid by May 31 and July 31 respectively, said Minister for Social Welfare Pithani Satyanarayana here on Monday after a review meeting of the department chaired by the Chief Minister N.Kiran Kumar Reddy.Backlog postsThe Chief Minister also directed the Social Welfare department to function as monitoring agency for filling 6,222 SC, ST backlog posts in all the departments by June 30. In a new decision aimed at giving thrust to the self-employment schemes for SC, ST and BCs, Mr. Kiran Kumar sought a proposal from the Social Welfare Department for giving entire loan amount to the beneficiaries for some schemes instead of just giving subsidy component.Mr. Satyanarayana explained that the self-employment schemes were not taking off because of reluctance on the part of the banks to give loans expeditiously.The Chief Minister also approved the draft proposal of the Social Welfare Department for the centralised procurement of essential commodities like pulses, oil, wheat, sugar besides rice directly from the Civil Supplies Corporation for 5,910 SC, ST,BC hostels, residential schools under the Welfare and Education departments.Other items like cosmetics, tamarind etc., would be procured from the Girijan Cooperative Corporation. Biometric system would be introduced for monitoring attendance of students and staff in the hostels.School drop-outsMr. Kiran Kumar directed the officials to undertake a survey and also commission a private agency to identify the reasons for high rate of school drop-outs among SC, STs. As part of plan to construct 120 integrated social welfare hostels, it was decided to give priority for hostels housed in rented buildings.