The Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar has been ranked at the 20th position in the Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) India University Rankings, 2020, a top official of the institute said on Wednesday.
The Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) India University Rankings 2020 launched the first top 100 Universities of India. The IIT Bhubaneswar has been ranked at 20th position, improving from its previous position of 21st in the last ranking, the official said.
The British higher education analysts QS has ranked the higher education institutions in India on the basis of eight parameters which have different weightages.
The eight parameters are academic reputation (30 per cent), employer reputation (20 per cent), faculty student ratio (20 per cent), staff with PhD (10 per cent), Papers per faculty (10 per cent, citation per paper (5per cent), international faculty (2.5 per cent) and international students (2.5 per cent).
IIT Bhubaneswar Director Prof R V Raja Kumar said the strategic initiatives taken by the institute in the recent times have not only fostered the development of the Institute, but also resulted in a significant rise in Institutes ranking performance, indicating that our plans are right and we are on the right track.
"The vision of IIT Bhubaneswar is to be globally well respected for producing outstanding graduates and generating new knowledge. In order to fulfil this dream, we aim to figure among the top 50-100 best Institutions in the world, as soon as possible.
"We have been marching ahead and constantly striving to raise the standards of the operations of the Institute on all fronts such as quality of education including teaching, learning, research and faculty and scaling up the current infrastructure in this endeavour," said Kumar.
The director said "We are happy about the ranking performance of the institute. However, a lot more needs to be done in the years to come".
As per Times Higher Education (THE) World University rankings 2020, the institute has been ranked 601-800 among 1,396 institutes across the world and 10th in India among 56 institutes, where it has been ranked 7th in citation scores in India, the director said.