National Testing Agency (NTA) has released the new JEE Main 2021 exam pattern for B.Tech, B. Arch and B. Planning papers. The JEE Main 2021 question paper will contain 90 questions out of which the candidates will have to attempt 75 questions or 25 questions out of 30 questions in each section of Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics.
Each subject will have two sections- Section A will have multiple-choice questions and Section B will have answers in numerical value. Candidates will have to attempt any five questions out of 10.
“Each subject will have two sections. Section A will be Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) and section B will contain questions whose answers are to be filled in as a numerical value. In Section B, candidates have to attempt any five questions out of 10. There will be no negative marking for Section B,” NTA said.
The JEE Main 2021 exam pattern is divided into JEE Paper 1 for B.Tech and JEE Paper 2 for B. Arch and B. Planning. JEE Main 2021 for paper 1 (B.Tech) will be conducted for 300 marks, while paper 2 (B.Arch/B.Plan) will be conducted separately for 400 marks each.
The students will face negative marking in the examination. For each correct response, the candidate will get 4 marks and for each incorrect response, one mark will be deducted. Though, no negative marking will be done in the optional questions.
The Education Minister had said that the pattern is kept in such a way that students across the boards, irrespective of their syllabus reduced or not, will be able to attempt the entrance exam.
The final merit list will be made by merging overall marks from all the examination shifts. In case of a tie between two candidates in Btech in the computer the NTA score in Maths will be considered the first followed by Physics, Chemistry and then the negative marking.
Merit list of Bachelors in Architecture will consider the math score followed by an aptitude test, and then the drawing test.
Bachelors in Planning will consider NTA score in Mathematics, followed by the Aptitude Test, and then Planning Based Questions.
The National Talent Agency (NTA) has begun the JEE Main 2021 registration at its official website JEE Main 2021 for admission to engineering colleges will be held four times a year. The initiative has been taken to offer flexibility to students and a chance to improve their scores, Union Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank announced on December 16, 2020.
In a first, the first edition of the exam will be held from February 23 to 26, followed by rounds in March, April and May.
"We have examined the suggestions received from students and various quarters and it has been decided that JEE-Mains will be held in four sessions in February, March, April and May," Mr Pokhriyal said.
"The first session will be held from February 23-26 and the results will be declared within five days from the last date of exams," he said.
"The move will ensure that students don't miss out on opportunities due to clash of exams or due to the COVID-19 situation at present," he added.
As per the latest announcement, the JEE Main 2021 will be held in four sessions. The first session will be held from February 23 to 26. The rest of the three attempts will be held in March, April and May. Students can appear in all the four sessions of JEE Main 2021 and their best of all the attempts will be considered for the final rank.