Dr Ashwathnarayan CN, Deputy Chief Minister of Karnataka, has said the State CET has been postponed till further notice. Dr Ashwathnarayan, also the Minister for Higher Education, IT & BT, Science & Technology, Skill Development, Entrepreneurship and Livelihood, said the revised dates for the Karnataka CET or Common Entrance Test, which is being held for admissions to professional courses in the state, will be released in the third week of April.
The Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA), the official state agency which conducts the CET exam, had fixed this year's tests on April 23 and 24. The registration process was conducted till March 16, 2020.
According to the minister, the Pre-University (higher secondary or Plus 2) examinations are midway in the state and could not be completed as the emerging situations due to the spread of coronavirus and the subsequent all India lockdown.
"Entrance Test for Professional Courses (CET) to be held on April 22, 23, has been postponed indefinitely," the minister said in a Tweet.