Karnataka Common Entrance Test, KCET 2021, ended on August 30. On the last day of exams, Horanadu (other state) and Gadinadu (border region of Karnataka) Kannadiga candidates appeared for the Kannada language test. On day 1, in two shifts, Biology and Mathematics papers were conducted and on day 2, the exams for Physics and Chemistry papers were conducted. Next, the Karnataka Examinations Authority (KEA) will release the answer key of the entrance exam. The KCET 2021 result may be announced in the third week of September.
KEA may first release the provisional answer key and allow students to raise objections and after resolving the queries, release the final version of the KCET answer key before announcing results. Here are the latest updates on KCET 2021 result date.
KCET result 2021 will be declared by September 20 and the counselling process will commence in the first week of October, according to reports.
Karnataka Higher Education Minister Dr CN Ashwath Narayan announced this during his visit to a few of the test centres on Saturday, a report said.
The official website for KCET 2021 result is kea.kar.nic.in or cetonline.karnataka.gov.in. On the result day, visit the official website and login with your roll number, or any other required information, and access your scorecards.
Mr Ashwath Narayan is expected to declare the KCET results at a press conference after which the results will be available online.