Maharashtra State Board exams are expected to commence after April 15 for Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) while the SSC students are likely to take the examination after May 1, 2021. Sharing the information, Maharashtra Education Minister Varsha Gaikwad took to Twitter and shared the dates for the board exams as she said 'a decision will be taken soon.’
“We are considering holding HSC exams after April 15 and SSC exams after May 1. The state is consulting health officials on the possibility of reopening schools for standard 5th to 8th. A decision will soon be taken,” Varsha Gaikwad said.
Every year, Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education (MSBSHSE) releases the Maharashtra SSC, HSC Board exam 2021 date sheet on the official website, however, this year the process has been delayed in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic.
In addition to this, Ms Gaikwad also said that the discussions are ongoing to consider the possibility of reopening schools for the students of Classes 5 to 8.