NEET PG 2020 result has been announced. The result is available on the website of National board of Examination (NBE). NEET PG was held on January 5. Individual score card of candidates will be released by February 3. Candidates have to download the same at the NBE's website.
NEET PG is held for admission to postgraduate and postgraduate diploma programmes in medicine and surgery. The exam for admission to undergraduate medical programmes is conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA).
The cut off score for general category is 366. For others, except the unreserved PwD category candidates, the cut off is 319. For unreserved PwD category the cut off is 342.
The total mark in NEET PG was 1200.
Each and every question in NEET-PG 2020 question paper were reviewed by faculty members from the concerned specialty after the conduct of NEET-PG 2020 to re-check for technical correctness of the questions as well as the answer keys, said the Board regarding the NEET PG result.
One question asked in the exam was found to be incorrect. All the candidates have been awarded full marks for that particular question.
"As per inputs from the faculty members, one question was found to be technically incorrect. Full marks have been awarded to all the candidates for that question irrespective of the fact whether that question has been attempted or left/ unattempt by the candidates," the board added.