NTA has extended the NEET 2019 registration date. Candidates can now register till December 7, 2018. After its decision to allow candidates above 25 years of age to apply for the exam, Supreme Court had asked National Testing Agency (NTA), to extend the deadline for NEET UG application by a week to accommodate all such students who were not able to apply earlier because of the upper age limit criteria. Such candidates can then apply for the NEET UG 2019 entrance exam on or before December 7, 2018. Candidates can pay the fees, through online mode, till December 8, 2018.
Granting an interim relief to the medical aspirants, aged above 25 years, the apex court however stated that the candidature of such candidates will be subject to the final outcome of the case before the court on validity of CBSE's decision to fix upper age limit.
This year onwards NTA will conduct the exam; till last year CBSE was the exam conducting body for the country's biggest medical entrance examination for admission to MBBS and BDS courses. The exam is scheduled for May 5, 2019. Admit cards will be available April 15, onwards.
For the latest updates in regard to NEET 2019 admission, candidates check the websites nta.ac.in, www.mohfw.nic.in & www.mcc.nic.in and the websites of concerned States/Institutions till the completion of final round of counseling.