Over 600 candidates took the entrance examination for various postgraduate courses in Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar on Sunday. However, 300 applicants were absent, university registrar BR Kamboj said. The university is conducting the entrance examinations in four phases. The other dates when the rest of the phases have been scheduled are September 9, September 12 and September 16.
Mr Kamboj said the examination for admission to postgraduate programmes is being conducted as per instructions issued by the central and state governments amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Mr BR Kamboj said all examination centres were sanitised and special attention was taken regarding social distancing norms and the wearing of masks. Besides this, the university administration provided water bottles and face masks to the candidates after sanitising their hands at the entrance of examination centre, Mr Kamboj said in a statement.
The exam was conducted from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm. Four examination centres have been set up to conduct these examinations keeping in view the number of students and the guidelines issued by central and state governments.
Mr Kamboj, along with University Vice-Chancellor Professor Samar Singh, visited the examination centres and took stock of all exam-related preparations.
Pending final year examinations of state government-aided colleges and universities in Haryana will also be conducted by the end of September. The decision was taken recently at a meeting attended by vice-chancellors and controllers of examination of all government-run universities in the state.