Human Resource Development (HRD) Minister Prakash Javadekar launched an app and a website for Rashtriya Uchchatar Shikasha Abhiyan which is a centrally funded education scheme. HRD Minister also unveiled 17 other facilities built across 14 states. “Fund and Reform Tracker” app is also launched by HRD Minister. It is used to track funding details from the minute they are sanctioned and keep track of the work being done under the education policies.
HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar said that their government’s first priority is always to give quality education to all from primary to higher education. He said that they have taken a unique move by unveiling 17 facilities in 14 states in one go. He also said that Rs. 2,800 crore money was already given to hundreds of colleges and universities under the RUSA Scheme and provisioned for Rs. 1,300 crore in this year`s budget
According to a statement by the HRD ministry, these projects included "a cluster university in Jammu and Kashmir, a micro ATM facility at the RUSA centre in Pune University, solar power facility in Shri Shankaracharya University of Sanskrit in Kalady, Kerala, (and) language laboratories in Ghatsila College, Jharkhand.''
HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar also said that RUSA has been very successful because under it, quality laboratories are created, smart classrooms are built and it adds value somewhere or the other in the development of the youth studying.