The Tamil Nadu Government is expected to declare the Tamil Nadu 12th result 2020 today. The state Education Minister KA Sengottaiyan had previously said that Class 12 answer sheet evaluation is almost complete and that the Tamil Nadu 12th result 2020 will be released in the first week of July. An official from the Directorate of Government Examinations (DGE), Tamil Nadu, had also told NDTV that Tamilnadu 12th result 2020 will be declared by July 7. Tamil Nadu Plus two results will be available on official websites of the board,, and Different private portals are also expected to publish Class 12 results. Students, however, are advised to check their results from an official source for authentication.
This year, evaluation of answer sheets and TN plus two result declaration have been delayed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Last year, Tamil Nadu 12thresult was declared on April 19. 91.30% of students qualified for higher education last year, a .02 per cent increase from 2018.
To check TN 12th result 2020 from an official website such as follow the steps mentioned below:
Step 1: Go to any of the website mentioned above.
Step 2: Click on the Tamil Nadu HSE result link.
Step 3: Enter roll number and other login credentials.
Step 4: Click on the submit button. Result will be displayed.
Tamil Nadu had previously, decided to scrap remaining Class 10 board exams and promote students on the basis of internal assessment marks and attendance. The Class 10 results are also expected soon. However, a date for TN 10th result is yet to be decided.