An official from the Directorate of Government Examinations (DGE), Tamil Nadu, told NDTV today that the TN Higher Secondary results will be released either on July 6 or July 7. He also said the Tamil Nadu 12th result will not be released this week. The state education minister KA Sengottaiyan had confirmed on June 18 that plus-two exam results will most likely be released in the first week of July as the evaluation of answer-sheets is nearing completion. The TN Higher Secondary or +2 results will be released online at, and
“The results are unlikely this week. It can be expected next week, either on July 6 or July 7,” the official said while asked about the TN +2 result date.
Last year, the TN Plus Two results were announced on April 19 and 91.3 per cent students qualified for higher education which is a .2 per cent increase from its previous year.
Meanwhile, Tamil Nadu had cancelled all remaining exams for class 10 students. Students would be awarded marks based on internal assessment. 80% marks would be based on students' performance in quarterly and half yearly exams and the remaining 20% shall depend on their attendances.
When asked about the TN 10th results’ date, the official said the Directorate is yet to finalise the dates for announcement.
Tamil Nadu has also cancelled the remaining papers for Class 11 exam. The board exams for remaining papers have also been cancelled for Puducherry.
The education minister also said in June that given the delay in the academic year, a committee has bene formed to assess and decide on the syllabus for the 2020-21 academic year.
In April, some reports had surfaced claiming that Tamil Nadu 12th result will be announced On April 24. The reports, however, were baseless as there had been no official announcement from the board's side in this regard.