The Tripura Education Minister Ratan Lal Nath has announced the Tripura TBSE 10th Result through press conference. The result links will be live on the official websites soon. Students will be able to check the Class 10 Madhyamik results on the official website of the Tripura Board of Secondary Education, or TBSE --,, and and The Madhyamik Class 10 exams were scheduled between March 2 and March 27. However, the lockdown imposed from March 25 led to the postponement of some papers and the delay in the declaration of TBSE results.
TBSE had scheduled the postponed exams to be held from July 5 onwards. Education Minister Ratan Lal Nath on June 30 announced that these exams have been cancelled. The decision was taken following the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) decision to not hold the remaining board exams citing safety concerns due to COVID-19.
STEP 1: Visit any of the official websites --,, and, and
STEP 2: Enter the login credentials including roll numbers and registration numbers as mentioned in the Class 10 Madhyamik admit cards
STEP 3: Submit and access the TBSE Class 10 result
Along with the above mentioned websites, students who have taken the TBSE Madhyamik Class 10 exams can also check their results on private web portals and through SMS facility. Students availing the Tripura board Class 10 results from private web portals -- and are advised to confirm their results from the official source. Students can view their TBSE result by sending an SMS “TBSE10 (space) Registration Number Roll Number” to 7738299899.
The board has already released a schedule regarding the release of Madhyamik Class 10 mark sheets and pass certificates to the students.