Telangana SSC result will be released on May 13, confirmed the board today. The result will be available on the website at 11.30 pm after it's an announcement in a press conference. Directorate of Government Examinations Telangana, also known as the SSC Board, conducts the annual class 10 board exams in the State. The Board had earlier confirmed that the SSC results will be declared after May 10. Last year the Board had announced the result on April 27.
Telangana SSC result portals-- and
The SSC or class 10 board exams were held in the State from March 16 to April 2.
Last year, 83% of total students who took the exam had qualified. A total of 2125 schools had registered 100 per cent pass.
21 schools in the State had zero pass percentage.
Meanwhile, the second year intermediate result (class 12) result has been declared in the State. The exam is conducted by the Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education and this year only 65% students have qualified the exam and are eligible for higher education courses. Tech Glitch, Wrong Marks Fuelled Telangana Exam Result Chaos: Probe Panel
59.8% students have cleared the first year intermediate exam, which is a qualifying exam for admission to the second year.