TS CHE has released the TS EAMCET results today for candidates who had appeared for the entrance examination in Telangana. The TS EAMCET ranks can be accessed from the official website of TS EAMCET. According to reports, the TS EAMCET result is also expected to be released on third party website, manabadi.com. A TS EAMCET result link of ranks has been activated on the official website of the exam and candidates may download their results after entering their registration number, hall ticket number and date of birth. The results will be released on the official website of the entrance exam, eamcet.tsche.ac.in.
An official from the TSCHE has in the morning confirmed to NDTV that the TS EAMCET results will be released by evening today.
TS EAMCET result 2019: The entrance results announced on eamcet.tsche.ac.in and vidyavision.com
TS EAMCET results can be accessed from the direct link provided here:
TS EAMCET results 2019 direct link
Telangana State Council of Higher Education or TSCHE has already released the preliminary answer key. The TS EAMCET result will be released after resolving all the objections received over the master question paper and preliminary answer key.
TS EAMCET is conducted for admission to undergraduate engineer, agriculture and medical (pharmacy, veterinary etc.) programmes.
TSCHE will notify counselling schedule soon after result declaration.
The list of institutions for allotment of candidates with intake in each discipline and category, as per reservations through TS EAMCET 2019 would be released in the Information Booklet for Counseling in due course by the State Council of Higher Education.