The West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination Board (WBJEEB) today released the result for seat allotment of round 2 of the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination (WBJEE) counselling 2024. The candidates who registered for the counselling process may visit the official website to check the seat allotment results –
According to the WBJEE counselling schedule, the candidates must pay the seat acceptance fee and report to the college allotted for document verification by August 3. The fee for the seat acceptance is Rs 5,000 and can be paid using a credit card, debit card, UPI, or net banking.
If the candidate’s allotment is upgraded to their first choice, he or she is not required to pay the seat acceptance fee again, but they must download a new allotment letter, report to the newly allotted Institute, and complete all admission formalities (PI reporting). If the candidate fails to complete the admission formalities, their present allotment will be cancelled and they will be debarred from any seat allotment in any future round.
If the allotment remains unchanged, the candidates have two options. They can decide to take admission to the previously assigned institute, making them ineligible for the mop-up round or they can choose not to join the previously assigned institute and participate in the mop-up round instead.
In case the allotment of round 1 got cancelled during the verification of documents but allotted in round 2, the candidates are expected to report to the allotted institute for the verification along with their all documents. In the case of failure to do so, the candidate will get cancelled from the allotment and any other future rounds too.
If the candidate has got a fresh allotment in round 2 without any allotment in round 1, they must download the allotment letter after payment of seat acceptance fees. Such candidates are also required to report to the institutions they are allotted to along with their allotment letter and other necessary documents required for verification. Failure to do so will lead to the cancellation of the allotment and the candidate will also be disqualified for the mop-up round.