West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Wednesday announced that the West Bengal Board's higher secondary (HS or Class 12) examination will be conducted in June. The chief minister also said the Class 11 and college students will be promoted to the next class and semesters respectively. The Class 10 or Madhyamik examination conducted by the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education or WBBSE has already been concluded and the paper evaluation is in process right now.
The Class 12 state board examinations in West Bengal were postponed till April 15 as a precautionary measure in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.
In view of the prevailing situation, the West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education (WBCHSE) has been asked to postpone the examinations which are yet to be held, till April 15, education minister Partha Chatterjee told a press meet in March third week.
The West Bengal Class 12 or HS examinations which were scheduled to be held on March 23, March 25 and March 27 postponed then.
The minister had said then the higher education department will take the decision about conducting the examinations after reviewing the situation as per the advisory of the health department.
The class 12 state board examinations began on March 13.
"The students of class 11 and colleges would be promoted to the next class and semesters," the chief minister said today.
Ms Banerjee had announced earlier this week that schools and colleges will remain closed till June 10.