"Enhancing SRM University Delhi NCR Sonepat's MBA Experience"
Auro University of Hospitality and Management
Surat, Gujarat
Name: Nandini Tripathi | Batch of 2021 | Rating 5
Recommends this college
SRM University Delhi NCR Sonepat's MBA program is really impressive! They focus on hands-on learning through projects and internships, which is great for developing skills. The campus looks good, but the hostels need some improvement to make sure they provide top-notch facilities.
Infrastructure 5
Campus 5
Faculty 5
Industry Exposure 5
Placements 5
Affordability 5
Campus Facilities: SRM University Delhi NCR Sonepat gives a lot of importance to practical learning in its MBA program, with projects, internships, and workshops connected to industries. The hostels are generally well-kept and safe, but they need occasional maintenance. The campus dining options are okay, but they could be better by offering a more diverse menu and improving the facilities for student comfort.
Campus Life: The campus is well-designed with green spaces for students to relax. Hostel facilities are comfortable, but the quality and cleanliness of the hostel food could be better. Despite this, the university is committed to creating a fulfilling campus life focused on academic excellence and personal growth.
Faculty: The faculty at SRM University Delhi NCR Sonepat play a crucial role in guiding students. They are easily reachable and give helpful feedback on assignments and projects. To make students more employable, the university could build stronger connections with industries, providing more exposure to real-world situations. Efforts to connect students with professionals and internships would better prepare them for future careers.
Placements: While SRM University Delhi NCR Sonepat is doing well in refining students' soft skills and industry interactions, there's room for improvement in placements for the MBA program. The university should consider strengthening ties with industries and offering more specific internships in different fields.
Salary Package: 4 - 6 Lakhs
Start Up Incubator: In conclusion, while there's room for improvement in industry collaborations in the MBA program at SRM University Delhi NCR Sonepat, the institution's focus on practical learning, faculty support, and campus facilities creates a valuable learning environment. By emphasizing stronger connections with industries and potentially introducing a startup incubator, the university has the potential to enhance its reputation among institutions offering MBA education.
Safety Measures: Anti-Ragging Cell, Anti-Drugs Cell, Anti-Riots Cell, Women Safety Cell, Other
Posted On: 30-Jan-2024