Ashwani Kumar, secretary to the Gujarat chief minister, said the paper evaluation for Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board or GSEB Class 10 and Class 12 students will begin from April 16. Mr Kumar was speaking to media after state Education Minister Bhupendrasinh Chudasama held a meeting with representatives of the associations of private schools today regarding the school fees issue.
"Class X and XII board exam answer sheets will be checked starting April 16, and the education board will make arrangements for it and take responsibility of the teachers involved in the exercise," Mr Kumar said.
The Gujarat Board results will be released online on the official portal of the state board.
The board exams in Gujarat began on March 5 for class 10 (SSC) students and concluded on March 17, 2020.The Gujarat Board exam for class 12 (HSC) General stream students began on March 5 and concluded on March 21, 2020.
The board exam for vocational subjects was held from March 13 to March 21.
The Gujarat government had earlier decided to promote students of Classes 1 to 9 and 11 of the state board, as the annual exams this year could not be conducted due to the coronavirus crisis.
Mr Kumar also said today that colleges and universities in the state will be on vacation between April 15 and May 15, and their annual exams will held as per guidelines that will be issued by UGC and AICTE.
Meanwhile, the Gujarat government has briefed the Centre today about the steps it has taken to help students in the state amid the coronavirus lockdown.
Mr Chudasama held a telephonic conversation on Saturday with Union HRD Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal over issues related to students, the Gujarat government said in a press release on Monda
The press release said Mr Chudasama informed the minister that 210 days of teaching work is over in universities and colleges in the state, e-learning has begun in universities with Google class room, Zoom application and YouTube.
"Apart from this, a virtual learning platform has been developed with NaMo-e tablet application created by the Department of Education. It offers syllabus for all the courses from different universities," the release noted.
Online courses have also been introduced for student trainees pursuing B. Ed. (Bachelor of Education), the release said.
Mr Chudasama also informed Mr Pokhriyal about other steps that the state has taken for the students amid the nationwide lockdown since March 25, imposed to curb the spread of novel coronavirus.
In the press release, Mr Chudasama said: "Department is actively using social media and technology so that no student has to face adverse impact on their study due to COVID-19. Education department of state will continue working with commitment until the situation is corrected".
More than 9,000 people have been infected and over 300 have died due to the novel coronavirus in India till now.