The Indian Institute of Chartered Accountants (ICAI) is likely to declare the results for CA Intermediate and CA Foundation December exams on February 3 on the official website The CA exams were held in December 2020. An official named Dhiraj Khandelwal informed about the probable date for CA exams results on his official Twitter handle.
Visit the official website
Click on ‘students login’ tab
Enter details including registration number or PIN number as allotted by the Institute
The ICAI Foundation or ICAI Intermediate result will be displayed
The candidates can save the ICAI result card for future reference
In certain cases, the ICAI may also share the CA results on the candidates’ email id upon request. The results may also be shared through SMS on the candidates’ registered mobile number.
The aspirants of Chartered Accountants have to clear three stages of the exam- Foundational, Intermediate and Final to qualify the entrance exam and be certified as CA.
The CA Foundation December exam had four papers out of which Paper 1 got postponed due to Bharat Bandh and was rescheduled to December 13.
The ICAI will be releasing the results of the Final CA exam tomorrow.