IIT Kharagpur is introducing Vastu Shastra course for under graduate Architecture Students, classes are expected to commence from August. It will be introduced on basic design and history of architecture for under graduate students. As for the post graduate students and research scholars the topic is in more detail.
The faculty members at IIT Kharagpur believe that students who have so far been taught architectural concepts prevalent in the west should also learn about ancient Indian architectural traditions.
Ancient Indian concepts have a scientific basis and introducing students to these will open up new avenues. At the post-graduate level, concepts of social principles, nine-circuit placements, sacred altars and design semiotics and semantics will be taught to students. Assignments, projects and tests on Vastu Shastra too will be a part of the curriculum.
Joy Sen, a faculty member of the architecture department at IIT Kharagpur said that the Vastu Shastra has its beginnings in Rig Veda and is scientific in its tenor. Today, the whole world is looking at green living, thanks to the way we are suffering due to erratic concretisation. The concept of Vastu revolves around the healthy relationship of nature and infrastructure, hence its modern relevance.