JEE Main 2022 Registration Begins; 10 Things That Are New This Year

The National Testing Agency (NTA) has started the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main 2022 registration process. Candidates can go to to submit JEE Main 2022 application forms. The registration window will be closed on March 31 and the last date to pay the fee is also March 31. This year, the NTA has introduced many changes to JEE Main application and the overall exam process. The test will be conducted in two sessions.

JEE Main 2022 session 1 is scheduled for April 16 to 21 and session 2 will take place from May 24 to 29.

By submitting details, you are registering on Careers360

Here are 10 things that will be different in JEE Main 2022, compared to last year:

  1. The test will be conducted in two sessions, in April and May, instead of four. During registration, in the first session, only session 1 (April) will be visible, and session 2 (May) will be visible when the window open again briefly before the test. No correction facility will be given at any stage under any circumstances, an official statement said.

  2. There will be negative marking for both sections A (MCQs) and section B (numerical value questions). Section B will have additional questions and last year, there was no negative marking for this section.

  3. When Candidates register for JEE Main, they have to enter the OTP received at their registered mobile numbers and before submitting the application fees, they have to enter the OTP received at their registered e-mail address.

  4. The choice of exam cities for the test will be based on the permanent and present addresses filled during registration.

  5. Annual Income of the family, including father’s or guardian’s gross annual income, mother’s gross annual income, and annual income of parents from other sources, if any, is a mandatory field in the JEE Main 2022 application form.

  6. A copy of the confirmation page when the JEE Main registration process is completed, and the final scorecard after results are out, will be sent to the registered email addresses of the candidates.

  7. Candidates can install the SANDES app on their smartphones and use it as a secondary channel to receive notifications from the NTA.

  8. The application process has been upgraded so that candidates can fill the form in small sections. The updated process include three steps: Step 1 - registration form, Step 2 - application form (Filling of personal details, applying for examination cities, qualification details, additional details, and document upload) and Step 3 - fee payment. “A provision has been explored for cross-checking of the photograph in real-time during filling in the online application form,” it said.

  9. “A column/field has been added in the online application form for capturing the AADHAR number of the candidates and it will be on a voluntary basis,” an official statement said. It further said that candidates can use additional platforms like UMANG and DigiLocker to download their documents like confirmation page, admit card and scorecard.

  10. Scribes to physically handicapped candidates will be provided by the NTA.

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