According to the official schedule released by the Maharashtra State Common Entrance Test Cell, the final merit lists of Maharashtra, all India and Jammu and Kashmir migrant candidates will be released today on the official website of MHT CET counselling. The Maharashtra CET cell will also display of provisional category wise seats for CAP round I today. The Cell has released the provisional merit list for BE, B.Tech., and B.Arch. Counselling 2019 earlier this week. The MHT CET final merit list will be released at
The MHT CET final merit is expected to be released in a PDF file.
In last two days, after the release of the provisional merit on the official MHT CET website, the candidates were chance to raise grievances, in case of any along with the submission of documents for verification at Facilitation Centres till July 4 up to 5:00 pm.
Follow the steps given here to download your MHT CET merit list:
Step 1 : Go to official MHT CET website:
Step 2 : Click on the link provided for final merit list for BE/B.Tech., or B.Arch. Counselling. Step 3 : Check for your registration details in the new page open
Step 4: Check your MHT CET merit status there
The facility to submit and confirm options for the first round of CAP round I will be available from July 6 to July 8. The provisional allotment list for CAP round I will be released on July 10.
Candidates who are allotted a seat in the first round will have to report to the Admission Reporting Centres (ARC) from July 11 to July 14. Students will then have to report to the allotted institute for admission formalities from July 12 to July 15, 2019.
Earlier, Maharashtra State Common Entrance Test Cell had conducted registration process for MHT CET counselling which it later cancelled. Fresh registration process was conducted for First Year Under Graduate Technical Courses in Engineering and Technology Admissions 2019-20.