NALGONDA: Minister for Infrastructure K. Venkat Reddy on Monday launched the ‘Education Fortnight' by distributing slates, uniforms, bags, provided by donors, to students of the Government High School at Domalapalli, in Nalgonda mandal, along with Collector N. Mukteswara Rao. They initiated study by students, scribbling on slates ‘Om Namasivaya'. Mr. Reddy announced sanction of ten additional classrooms in the school at a cost of Rs.40 lakh. He directed officials to arrange foundation-laying ceremony for the classrooms.The Minister announced sanction of amount from his constituency funds for building lavatories in the school. He appealed villagers, people's representatives, voluntary agencies and officials to enrol all eligible children in schools .ShortcomingsMeanwhile, the government schools continue to be plagued by shortcomings, even as the Education Fortnight celebrations were on. An instance was the Government High School for Girls, Ramgiri. It has no attenders since April. As a result students were ringing the bill themselvesWhile one attender retired in February, two others were either shifted or promoted. According to the headmaster, the previous DEO was informed about the issue but no action was initiated.There were fewer students in the Boyiwada Upper Primary School, when it reopened after the summer vacation.