"SET's collage of pharmacy, Dharwad. One of the best collage"
Soniya Education Trust's (SET) College of Pharmacy
Dharward, Karnataka
Name: Sufiyan Mishrikoti | Batch of 2025 | Rating 4.5
Recommends this college
I am a student of SET's college of pharmacy which is located in Dharwad. Available courses in the college are B PHARMACY, M PHARMACY, D PHARMACY, and PHARMA D. The college is well maintained and the education and teachers are all excellent, college is clean with beautiful nature outside the college
Infrastructure 5
Campus 4.5
Faculty 4.5
Industry Exposure 4.5
Placements 4.5
Affordability 4.5
Campus Facilities: On our campus, we have all the facilities like library, laboratory, classrooms, waiting room etc, and all these facilities are well maintained by the staff.
Campus Life: The freshers day which we celebrated was very fun, enjoyable and it was like unbelievable. The teachers are very friendly and the teaching is amazing, so if you are thinking about b pharmacy or any other pharmacy course then you shouldn't forget our college.
Faculty: All the teachers are well educated and are the author of the books all have gained Ph.D. and have experience of almost 10-15 years and many foreign students have admitted in our college.
Placements: In our college, the internships placement and job opportunity are guaranteed means the preparation in this college will make the students attempt any kind of question that have asked, last year almost 80% of students have got a job opportunity in different companies.
Salary Package: 2.5 - 4 Lakhs
Safety Measures: Anti-Ragging Cell, Anti-Drugs Cell, Women Safety Cell, Other
Posted On: 08-Dec-2021