"Krishna College facilities and faculity"
Krishna Degree College
Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh
Name: Sai Kumar Renam | Batch of 2022 | Rating 4.5
Recommends this college
In Krishna they have good faculty and better facilities to the students this college we have Sports activities and NCC we are very proud Lee tel about this college here we have the best faculty for all groups and best facilities in this college here girls have more security in this college
Infrastructure 5
Campus 5
Faculty 5
Industry Exposure 4.5
Placements 4.5
Affordability 4.5
Campus Facilities: On my campus, they have catered in the college and we have some bank-related courses and we have very technical Labs in my campus we have bus facility will be available
Campus Life: My college campus life is very better in my college I will experience more relations we have friends and I also have a bond with the step and we are doing so much of nonsense in the college
Faculty: Krishna College all the types of faculty will be very good and we have sports-related classes and NCC related classes Krishna college faculty is very better than other colleges faculty
Placements: In my college, they have some type of job opportunities the monthly package at least 30000 per month that placements as unknown in my college at the last week
Salary Package: 2.5 - 4 Lakhs
Start Up Incubator: My campus has very helpful to the students they have 24 by 7 facility also available and they mainly provide safety to the women
Safety Measures: Women Safety Cell
Posted On: 03-Feb-2022