Delhi High Court has asked the city government if it can provide free uniform and books to poor students in private unaided schools, saying it needs to take a re-look to ensure that class divide is not created among children.Education NewsA bench of justices Badar Durrez Ahmed and Siddharth Mridul asked senior standing counsel for Delhi government, Rahul Mehra, to take instructions on whether it can provide books and uniforms to EWS students and inform it accordingly. The court said the government needs to take a re-look into the aspect as EWS kids in private unaided schools should have the same standard of uniform and books as other students in such institutions, adding that otherwise it would create a class divide among children.The suggestion to the government came on a PIL seeking grant of free books and uniform to EWS children admitted to private unaided schools. Though the court has reserved its verdict in the matter, it took it up to ascertain the government's view. The High Court had earlier during the proceedings in the matter slammed the insensitive Delhi government for its wonky policy with regard to providing uniforms and books to EWS children studying in private schools.