Professional Examination Board, Madhya Pradesh, has released the MP TET answer key for the High School Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) held for English paper. The MP TET answer keys have been released on the official portal of Professional Examination Board, The keys have been released now for the re-exam held on September 29, 2019 in the morning shift. The Madhya Pradesh MP TET result for other papers was declared in the last week of August.
Candidates will be able find the official answer keys in the PDF file given on the homepage of PEB portal.
MP TET answer key 2019: Direct link
Candidates who are searching for the MP TET answer key may check the same on the direct link given here:
Model Answer Key - High School Teacher Eligibility Test - 2018 (Re-Exam)
Follow the steps given here to download your MP TET answer keys:
Step 1: Visit the official website of PEB, Madhya Pradesh