All India Sankara Engineering Entrance Examination (AISEEE) lead AISEEE Entrance Exam. Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Vishwa Mahavidyalaya, Kancheepuram (SCSVMV Appraised University). AISEEE 2025 exam will be directed in the long stretch of April 2025. This is a University level placement test. As indicated by sources it is isolated into two modes online and in addition disconnected mode. The exam is an entrance for admissions to undergrad building programs offered by the University for different UG / PG / Research Programs (BE, B. Tech, ME, BCA, MSc, MBA, MCA, MPhil, and Ph.D.) for the scholarly session through AISEEE.
The Vision of the University is to provide "Quality higher education coupled with the Indian Value system" and at the same time, make it affordable to all sections of society irrespective of their social or economic standing and to develop a new breed of world-class professionals, who have acquired the competencies for global employment in different disciplines.
Interested and eligible applicants should attend the AISEEE examination to get admission at SCSVMV University.
Applicants have to fill up and submit the application form for AISEEE before the last date of submission.
If the aspirant wishes to fill out the BE application form he/she may obtain a copy of the form in offline mode from one of the designated centers.
To fill the application form through offline mode candidates have to follow the following steps:
Nationality: Any Indian national can apply for the exam. Students of foreign origin can apply for the exam if he/she has citizenship proof issued by foreign authorities.
Age: There is no upper or lower age limit defined on AISEEE 2025 exam. Candidates must have cleared class 12 examinations.
Centre of Mass, Momentum and Collision, Rotational Dynamics, Simple Harmonic Motion, Fluid Mechanics, Wave Motion and String Waves, Magnetism, Heat and thermodynamics, Nuclear Physic, Modern Physics
3-D Geometry, Probability and Statistics, Vector Algebra, Integration, Complex Numbers Parabola, Trigonometric Ratios
Chemical Equilibrium, Ionic Equilibrium, Thermodynamics, Hydrogen and its Compounds, Variable, s-block Elements Isomerism of Organic Compounds, Environmental Chemistry, Solid State, Chemical Kinetics, Electrochemistry, Solutions, Qualitative Salt Analysis Alkyl Halides and Aryl Halides, Carboxylic Acids and their derivatives, Amines, Biomolecules, Polymers.
AISEEE 2025 admit card for admission to the BE/B.Tech program will be available on the official website. Candidates have to bring a photo ID proof along with the admit card on the day of the exam. Candidates are required to download the hard copy of the admit card.
AISEEE 2025 result will be declared in online mode only once the exam is over. It will be available in the end of May 2025. The result and scorecard can be accessed by entering the details of the application number and password.
AISEEE counseling will be conducted in the order of rank as displayed in the merit list. There are small amount seats available in each course, so generally seats are filled in the first round of counseling. Candidates must download the counseling letter from the official website before appearing for counseling.